State senators on coronavirus response Illinois state senator Dan McConchie and Connecticut state senator Matthew Lesser weigh in on ‘America’s News HQ.’ via FOX NEWS
Nebraska Gov. Ricketts: Our state economy has been the least impacted from coronavirus Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts discusses the coronavirus cases in the state on ‘CAVUTO Live.’ via FOX NEWS
WHO sending investigators to China to probe origins of COVID-19 as they revise guidelines on spread of virus Dr. Peter Hotez, co-director of the Texas Children's Hospital Center for Vaccine Development, weighs in. via FOX NEWS
How to disinfect your car ahead of and during a road trip Auto expert Lauren Fix on buying and testing a car during the coronavirus pandemic. via FOX NEWS
Doctors urge FDA to consider hydroxychloroquine as OTC option FDA stalls pullback of hydroxychloroquine warning; reaction from Dr. Simone Gold, board-certified emergency physician working on the front lines during the pandemic, and Dr. Richard Urso, an ophthalmologist pract…
Potential good news in the fight against coronavirus Gilead says its coronavirus treatment reduces risk of death in very sick patients; German company says they will be ready to seek approval for COVID-19 vaccine by end of year. via FOX NEWS
Chinese virologist accuses Beijing of hiding details on coronavirus Hong Kong scientist Dr. Li-Meng Yan believes the Chinese government knew about the novel coronavirus well before it claimed it did; reaction from Gordon Chang, author of 'The Coming Collapse of China.…